Hello HackForums, this is Agfx. This was my first thread / tutorial on HackForums. I do sincerely hope you enjoy this tutorial and find it to somewhat of a use to you, whatever the use maybe. I have spent a few hours on this tutorial when I first released it, and now I am editing it over again to make sure it sounds more professional, but keeps its simplicity.
Now, let's continue unto the tutorial.
A Shell Stresser and What it does
A Shell Stresser (Booter) is one of many ways to flood an Ip Address, it is harder to use than an API Stresser (meaning you have servers dedicated to your stresser) and not as strong unless you have private or at least unsatured shells. Unsaturated shells meaning they are not used by a great population but rather a small one so they can still be used to their full potential.
Private shells are shells dedicated to you only, whether you have gotten them yourself or you have bought them off of someone. Public shells, I extremely do not recommend. It will decrease the power potential of your stresser because of the amount of people using public shells. In the end, weakening your stresser.
A Shell Stesser floods an IP, depending on how strong your shells are for your stresser, it can take down someone's home connection, websites etc for a long or short period of time. Once again, depending on how strong your shells are.
[b]Fibre Optimized - Shell Support (Fibre Booter source with Shell Support) - Recommended
Prodigy's Source (Mass Shell adder created by Natha click here for her page) - [/b]
Team 313's Source
For all - http://www.mediafire.com/?dh9qe3deyigqcex
I recommend you complete this tutorial with Prodigy's Source at first. Following what I show you in the tutorial to get a grasp on what you are supposed to do. Once you complete the tutorial and everything works fine, I suggest you switch over to another booter source if you do plan on using the stresser you create. The reason being Prodigy's Source is easily exploitable. It is not reliable.
To start the tutorial, we will need an appropriate web host. In this tutorial, I will be using 000webhost. Only use 000webhost for tutorial purposes once again. As it is easy to understand and laid out simple. Once we have completed the tutorial, and you plan on actually using the booter, switch to a better host as your account will get suspended sometime when using 000webhost. Another reason being 000webhost has WinSock enabled which makes you unable to send attacks.
When you are done making your account and everything is activated, Go to your CPanel.
Once there, scroll down, you should see something called
File Manager under the heading Files click it.
Screenshot (Click to View)
Now sign in with the password you put as your account. Once there, go into public_html, now look on the left hand side for the button named Upload click this button. Now when on the screen click Choose File, find the zip with your source and upload it.
Screenshot #1 (Click to View)
Screenshot #2 (Click to View)
Once everything had loaded successfully as it should, click the green check mark once again, then click the blue arrow pointing <- which is back. Now go to the directory named "Prodigy's Source Mass Shell Adder by Natha". Now go into the source, once there you should see a file called dbc.php, look to your right and click edit.
Now before we do anything to dbc.php go back to your 000webhost CPanel and look for the heading Software / Services click MySQL.
MySQL Database Creation
Now you will need to create a new database & user so fill out the form, remember to use a name you can remember easily as well as a password, for me it will be,
Screenshot #1 (Click to View)
password: windows44. Create the database. Now when on this screen
Screenshot #2 (Click to View)
keep it open. Now go back to the other tab that we closed, fill it out like this
Editing of dbc.php
define ("DB_HOST", "put the host site here"); // set database host
define ("DB_USER", "put your database user here"); // set database user
define ("DB_PASS","password you used when creating database here"); // set database password
define ("DB_NAME","the database name here"); // set database name
Screenshot (Click to View)
Editing of ezSQL.php
Once you are done filling out the dbc.php, click the blue floppy disk on the right hand side and go back. The blue floppy disk saves the editing you have made on the file.
Now, once you have gone back, we will need to complete one more task concerning the database name, host, password and user.
Makre your way to the folder includes, edit the file ezSQL.php. Now when you have clicked edit, scroll down until you see something like
function ezSQL_mysql($dbuser='psychoti_booter', $dbpassword='boot', $dbname='psychoti_booter', $dbhost='')
We will need to change it so do it as you did the other one.
($dbuser='database user here', $dbpassword='database password', $dbname='the database name', $dbhost='and the host')
Now once again scroll down until you find something similar, it should look like this - function connect($dbuser='psychoti_booter', $dbpassword='boot', $dbhost='localhost') Fill it out, just as I did the above. Now there is only one more, scroll down a little more and look for this - function select($dbname='psychoti_booter'), enter the database name and you're good to go.
Screenshot (Click to View)
Import of Dbprepare.sql and Configuration of the Stresser Site
Click the blue floppy disk and go back. Now you're done with that you can close it. Now go back to CPanel, scroll down and look where MySQL was beside it on the right should be phpMyAdmin click on it. Now you will be taken to a screen, just look for
Screenshot (Click to View)
Click "Enter phpMyAdmin", leave that window open for a second, now before you click it look on the right hand side, it should say Account Information as the title and below it all kinds of information. Click your domain name. Now if you end up on this screen don't worry.
Screenshot (Click to View)
Just click the folder, "Prodigy's Source Mass Shell Adder by Natha" or whatever your zip file was named. Once in there you should see
- Parent Directory
- guide.txt
- dbprepare.sql
- source/
Just click source/, if you followed this guide with prodigy's source like I recommended you should end up on this page
Screenshot (Click to View)
Which is good. Now go back to the phpdatabase we were at earlier you should see Structure, SQL and etc. Look for the tab Import and click it. This is where you need the dbprepare.sql file I have provided for you, click Choose file and look for it on your computer once you've found it open it and just click go at the bottom.
Now once you have uploaded them all you should have these -
Screenshot (Click to View)
Now go back to your booters page and click register. Now enter a random name, your real name or a fake one it doesn't really matter
Screenshot (Click to View)
Now once you're done filling it out click register. Now go back to the phpmyadmin database and go to the tab "Browse", you should see an account added click the green pencil beside the account.
Once on the screen look for "user_level" and change it to 5. Then scroll down to the bottom and you should see "approved" change the 0 to a 1, click go.
Screenshot (Click to View)
Tutorial Complete with Free Shells
You are now done creating your booter, go back to your booter page and put in your login credentials and login. Now all you have to do is add shells and your booter is ready.
Keep in mind that this was my first tutorial so if I have made any mistakes please just point them out to me, not in a rude way of course and I will fix them. If you need any help, post here and I will get back to you.
Finding Shells
Go to pastebin / webdav and copy/type this into the search -
[/b][b]/x32.php [/b][b] /greenshell.php [/b][b] /shell.php[/b][b]/webdav/ [/b][b]
TCP are POST shells, UDP are GET shells.
A lot of shells will now be found, get a shell checker and check the shells before you use them.
Thank you for taking your time out to read this tutorial. Make sure to leave a comment below telling me what you think about it.
Sincerely, Agfx